Friday, August 1, 2008


My friend Mandy is having a hard time getting her 3 year old potty trained. Does anyone have any suggestion?


Christine said...

Put him on there every hour, on the hour. He'll get the idea quickly. Just don't leave him on there too long each time. Heavy praise when he does it right. Just tell him to try to go in the potty the next time when he doesn't.
And forget those "pull-ups" at night. Invest in two waterproof mattress covers and wash everyday for a week or two until he gets it. He'll get dependant on them and won't stay dry at night. Might want to wait a little while before you start the training at night, until he's really got it down during the day. Good luck!

Lissa's Thoughts said...

Thanks for the comment on using the waterproof mattress covers because we want to get Levi out of the pull-ups.